"Violent Media is Good For The Kids"

 Image result for marvel hulkThe author, Gerald Jones was trying to proof that "violent media is good for the kids". He states that it helps control and cope with emotions and feelings that they may have that are balled up inside of them. He gives examples of his own past stating that he was a silent kid and unsocial and wouldn't really talk to anyone and just keep to himself. When he discovered the comic book "hulk" he said felt himself more than he ever did. It pushed him to do many things such as his son when he also read a comic about Tarzan. He would have never climbed the tree if it weren't for that book. In conclusion, he's simply stating that sometimes violence media can sometimes free kids from their fears or disadvantages that they may have.

       On February 14, 2017, 17 people were killed by a 19 year old named Nikolas Cruz. In my opinion, the news covered it well. They described what happened, they mentioned that he had many problems, and students knew that if anyone were to "shoot the school", it would be him. However, the only problem that I might have was that he mentioned that he was living with someone else because his parents were gone and that may have been the issue of why he did what he did. I think they shouldn't have even try to get on his side and just let the court system do what they do.



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